RHV Contables, was born in 2020, with the idea of providing administrative and accounting services. Its creator, Roxana Herrera Vega, an accounting student at the National Technical University (UTN) and a graduate in business administration from the Castro Carazo Metropolitan University (UMCA), incorporated into the College of Economic Sciences of Costa Rica, has dedicated herself to accounting and administration for more than 15 years
His work experience began with the company Lombardía in 2003, until now providing professional services per hour, Paqase Corp. Boulevard of Casa, from 2010 to 2016 and Fosa sin Fondo Ltda from 2016 to 2022.
Currently, he provides services to the company BCEG Jaco Dreams Transportation SRL, in the accounting area, in addition to providing accounting and administrative services to other private individuals.
___________________________Provide services and advice in accordance with the provisions of the current law of our country.
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